quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2017


We are pleased to remind you that you still have one week left to submit your abstract for the 2018 IASP World Conference in Isfahan!
You can put your organisation on the map, and join a global conversation on the role of science parks and areas of innovation in innovation ecosystems and the sustainable development of cities. 
For example, there are four plenary sessions you could contribute to:
·         Cities, STPs and other areas of innovation: challenges and strategies – How can new age STPs and AOIs contribute to the development of sustainable cities? 
·         New tools and functions for cities and areas of innovation – Living Labs, FabLabs, 3D printing, VR, IoT... what impact will these new trends and technologies have on our industry? 
·         Community challenges and social innovation – tell us about the role STPs and AOIs play in creating technologies and fostering sustainable communities! 
·         Entrepreneurship for growth and sustainability in STPs and AOIs – what new trends are there in business incubation, acceleration and spin-off, and how can they support the UN Sustainable Development Goals? 
Full details about these and the planned parallel sessions can be found in the attached Call for Contributions: submit your abstracts and learn more about Isfahan at http://iasp2018isfahan.com
We look forward to receiving your contributions by 25th October.