sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2019

Call for papers - special issue of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development

The dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems

Call is open from 1 July 2018
Deadline for submissions: 28 February 2019

Entrepreneurial activity exhibits significant geographical variations within and across countries, both in terms of start-ups and scale-ups. As entrepreneurs typically found their businesses in the localities in which they are already living and working, and businesses, once they have started trading, rarely move to distant locations, this suggests that some geographical environments are more conducive to entrepreneurship while others inhibit it.

The concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) has emerged in recent years as a framework to understand the nature of places in which entrepreneurial activity flourishes. Spigel (2017Spigel, B. 2017. “The Relational Organization of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.” Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice 41 (1): 49–72.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]) defines entrepreneurial ecosystems as follows: ‘combinations of social, political, economic, and cultural elements within a region that support the development and growth of innovative start-ups and encourage nascent entrepreneurs and other actors to take the risks of starting, funding, and otherwise assisting high-risk ventures’.

However, the existing literature has several shortcomings. Despite some progress (Acs et al. 2017Acs, Z., E. Stam, D. Audretsch, and A.O’Connor. 2017. “The Lineages of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Approach.” Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal 49 (1): 1–10.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]), the concept is under-theorised. It remains unclear how entrepreneurial ecosystems is distinctive from other concepts that seek to explain the geographical concentration of entrepreneurial activity (e.g. clusters, learning regions, regional innovation systems). Much of the literature comprises ‘superficial generalisations … rather than [on] rigorous social science research’ (Stam and Spigel 2017Stam, E., and B. Spigel. 2017. “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.” In Handbook for Entrepreneurship and Small Business, edited by R.Blackburn, D. De Clercq, J. Heinonen, and Z. Wang. London: Sage. [Google Scholar], 2). Specifically, empirical studies are static rather than dynamic which does not capture the genesis and evolution of EEs (Mason and Brown 2014Mason, C., and R. Brown. 2014. “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Growth Oriented Entrepreneurship.” Background paper prepared for the workshop organised by the OECD LEED Programme and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands. [Google Scholar]; Mack and Mayer 2016Mack, E., and H. Mayer. 2016. “The Evolutionary Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.” Urban Studies 53 (10): 2118–2133.10.1177/0042098015586547[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]; Alvedalen and Boschma 2017Alvedalen, J., and R. Boschma. 2017. “A Critical Review of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Research: Towards a Future Research Agenda.” European Planning Studies 25 (6): 887–903.10.1080/09654313.2017.1299694[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]). There is little consideration of the context in which entrepreneurial ecosystems emerge (Mack and Mayer 2016Mack, E., and H. Mayer. 2016. “The Evolutionary Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.” Urban Studies 53 (10): 2118–2133.10.1177/0042098015586547[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]). The network of interactions of individual elements in the EEs has not been sufficiently explored (Motoyama and Watkins 2014Motoyama, Y., and K. K. Watkins. 2014. “Examining the Connections within the Startup Ecosystem: A Case Study of St. Louis.” [Google Scholar]). And the causal mechanisms are weak: it is not clear how the various elements in entrepreneurial ecosystems enhance entrepreneurship (Alvedalen and Boschma 2017Alvedalen, J., and R. Boschma. 2017. “A Critical Review of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Research: Towards a Future Research Agenda.” European Planning Studies 25 (6): 887–903.10.1080/09654313.2017.1299694[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]; Stam and Spigel 2017Stam, E., and B. Spigel. 2017. “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.” In Handbook for Entrepreneurship and Small Business, edited by R.Blackburn, D. De Clercq, J. Heinonen, and Z. Wang. London: Sage. [Google Scholar]).

Accordingly, this special issue invites papers that address the questions:
• How do the dynamics of people, process and place nurture entrepreneurial behaviour?
• What are place-based dynamics that generate greater entrepreneurial behaviours through managing the inputs and processes that result in entrepreneurial outputs and outcomes?

Entrepreneurial behaviour can be defined broadly within a range of activity including start-up, scale-up, opportunity recognition, economic development, market development, etc.

Specifically, we identify a need for papers that address the following themes:
(1) Papers that focus on individuals within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, investigating how do people work within and interact with firms and institutions in an entrepreneurial ecosystem to bring about the outputs and outcomes that result from entrepreneurial behaviour.
(2) Papers that focus on how the different elements in an entrepreneurial ecosystem interact with one another and how these interactions develop over time? How much path dependency is there in the system?
(3) Papers that focus on the role of networks in the entrepreneurial ecosystem context. Can these interactions be mapped and analyzed? In addition, we also welcome papers that adopt a ‘pipelines’ perspective (Bathelt, Malmberg, and Maskell 2004Bathelt, H., A. Malmberg, and P.Maskell. 2004. “Clusters and Knowledge: Local Buzz, Global Pipelines and the Process of Knowledge Creation.” Progress in Human Geography 28 (1): 31–56.10.1191/0309132504ph469oa[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]), examining the extent, role and significance of the external networks of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Papers that also consider network tipping points, critical densities and vitality that assist to explain EE behaviour would also be valuable.
(4) Papers that examine the temporal dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems. How do they develop over time? What are the causal relationships? What are the processes by which entrepreneurial ecosystems develop and change over time? Why do some emerging entrepreneurial ecosystems fail to develop? And why do some go into decline? And, perhaps drawing on recent work on resilience (e.g. Simmie and Martin 2010Simmie, J., and R. Martin. 2010. “The Economic Resilience of Regions: Towards an Evolutionary Approach.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 3 (1): 27–43.10.1093/cjres/rsp029[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]; Martin 2011Martin, R. 2011. “Regional Economic Resilience, Hysteresis and Recessionary Shocks.” Journal of Economic Geography 12 (1): 1–32.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]; Williams and Vorley 2014Williams, N., and T. Vorley. 2014. “Economic Resilience and Entrepreneurship: Lessons from the Sheffield City Region.” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 26 (3–4): 257–281.10.1080/08985626.2014.894129[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]; Boschma 2015Boschma, R. 2015. “Towards an Evolutionary Perspective on Regional Resilience.” Regional Studies 49 (5): 733–751.10.1080/00343404.2014.959481[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®], , [Google Scholar]), what are the processes that result in the revitalisation of entrepreneurial ecosystems that are in decline or moribund.
(5) Papers that address policy issues. Policy-makers are continually searching for instruments that can be implemented to stimulate entrepreneurial activity and have therefore been active in seeing to promote entrepreneurial ecosystems. What roles do governments, non-profit organizations and private companies, as well as key individuals, play in the emergence and growth of entrepreneurial ecosystems and what types of support are in evidence? What is their rationale for intervention? And what has been the effect of intervention? How does policy specifically influence elements of an EE and conversely how do elements of EEs influence policy?
(6) Papers that take into account industry specific EEs and how these develop individually or integrate more broadly into regional or city based EEs. What are the layered effects of EEs and interactions between supra and sub entrepreneurial ecosystems? How does cognitive and geographic distance influence the relationships within and between EEs? What is the effect of global relationships on local and/or industry EE dynamics?
(7) Papers that also consider the methods, data and approaches that support EE research would be highly valued as a means to contribute to building common approaches and developing a research community.
(8) Papers that critique the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems.

quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2019


Livros são tudo na vida de um pesquisador. Atualmente os papers são mais importantes mas estes não tem a magia de um bom livro.

Recomendo um site de literatura muito interessante em espanhol

Nele há um link para acessar 140 livros de autoras mulheres ao longo da história

Um segundo site muito interessante é organizado por portugueses e disponibiliza milhares de livros, desde os técnicos da área de administração até literatura da boa!!

quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2019

Prezados, pra começar 2019 (em ritmo de férias de verão) com um ótimo evento que acontecerá esse mês. Trata-se de um evento profissional e não exatamente acadêmico. É bem interessante as certificações que a IAOIP (q é a organizadora do evento) promove!!

sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2018

Feliz Natal!!

Prezados, todo o ano costumo nesta época postar aqui e enviar por email uma foto que eu tenha tirado naquele ano. Seja nas minhas andanças pelas estradas ou em viagens mais longas. É uma forma de lembrar os amigos e de agradecer as pessoas participaram da minha vida naquele ano. Em geral, é um amanhecer ou um pôr do sol, agradecendo a presença das pessoas nas nossas vidas, desejando a renovação das energias e da esperança em dias melhores. Esse ano foi um grande ano, apesar de todas as incertezas no Brasil e resolvi colocar aqui não uma mais algumas das fotos tiradas em viagens que representam todos esses sentimos. Assim Marília e eu desejamos Feliz Natal e um Próspero 2019 para todos!!!

Every year I usually post here and email a photo I took over the year. It's a way of reminding friends and thanking people for participating in my life that year. In general, it is a sunrise or sunset, thanking the presence of the people in our lives, desiring the renewal of energies and hope in better days. This year was a great year, despite all the uncertainties in Brazil and I decided to put here not one but some photos taken on trips that represent all these feelings. So Marília and I wish Happy Christmas and a Prosperous 2019 for all !!!

Itatiaia National Park, Brazil

Sky over France and UK

Sky over Norway

Porto, Portugal

quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2018

Pizza de fim de ano dos membros, alunos e agregados do Triple Helix Research Group - Brazil. (afinal tudo acaba em pizza nessa vida!!!)

Feliz Natal para todos e um Próspero 2019!!!!

terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2018

Call for papers, XVII International Triple Helix Conference 2019

Cape Town, South Africa, 9-11 September 2019

The XVII Triple Helix Conference 2019Triple Helix - a Catalyst for Change, will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 9-11 September. The Triple Helix model presents an opportunity to achieve innovation outcomes for the socio-economic good through collaboration with multi stakeholders within academia, industry and government spheres. Local and international researchers, policy makers and practitioners will gather together to discuss how to affect positive change by bringing the creators, implementers and enablers of innovation in social, economic and environmental  issues together in research collaborations, policy initiatives and political actions in society.

This call for papers  links the Triple Helix with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs-Agenda 2030) and the AU Agenda 2063. Exploring this connection  and developing  follow up will be a major projected  outcome of the 2019 conference.

SDG-Agenda 2030 are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 (Resolution 70/1) to "Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." Agenda2063: Toward the Africa we want is the strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years adopted in 2015. These agenda aims to make the world a better place for all and calls on academia, governments and business to collaborate in new ways to make our world a better place to live in.

The concept of the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relationships initiated in the 1990s by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, analyzes the shift from a predominant  industry-government dyad in Industrial Society to  triadic relationships among university-industry-government in the Knowledge Society.
The Triple Helix thesis is that the potential for innovation and economic development in a Knowledge Society resides  in a more prominent role for the university in innovation and entrepreneurship and in the hybridisation of elements of  institutional spheres  and actors, generating new institutional and social formats for the production, transfer and utilization of knowledge.
A growing community of  researchers, practitioners and policy makers carries the Triple Helixproject  forward into the 21st century  through the Triple Helix Association, including Helice, the Triple Helix Magazine and the open access Triple Helix Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship  and various world region, regional and local cognate  organizations, for example, The International Triple Helix Institute, Silicon Valley,  and its Global Entrepreneurial University Metrics (GEUM)  collaboratory project.

The call for conference papers, PhD session, poster and Panel session themes are:

Theme 1: The Role of the Entrepreneurial University and University-Industry-government interactions in the XXI Century’s Economic Development Agendas
Theme 2: Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Innovation in Civil Society: The Role of Design Thinking and Citizen Science
Theme 3: Post-Industrial Industrial Policy: Convergence and Fusion of Arts, Creative and Service Industries, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Technologies 
Theme 4:  Spacial and Temporal Axes of Innovation:  Innovation Spaces, Smart Cities and Knowledge-based Rural Development
Theme 5:  Gender and Indigenous Equity and Equality in Science, Technology and Innovation
Theme 6: Other topics related to Triple Helix

Further information and application guidelines available on

Early bird tickets will open in December 2018.

Do not miss to contribute to this very stimulating Conference, submit now your abstract!

Contact the organizers to collaborate or find out more:
Mobile/ WhatsApp: +27827081960

Call for Proposals: Special Issue of Socio-Economic Review

Understanding the Platform Economy: Socio-Economic Dynamics in new Digital Markets
Guest Editors
Elke Schüßler (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Juliet Schor (Boston College)
Stefan Kirchner (Technical University Berlin)
William Attwood-Charles (Boston College)
Papers can be submitted immediately, but no later than 15 March, 2019.
The targeted publication of the special issue is the July 2020 issue of Socio-Economic Review.
The rise of digital platforms challenges traditional approaches to the organization of markets, work, and consumption and suggests a new economic era some have called the "platform economy." The aim of this Special Issue is to better understand the socio-economic dynamics structuring the platform economy, with a focus on new "sharing" and gig labor platforms.
Platforms for "crowdsourcing", "gigwork" and "sharing economy" such as Upwork, Uber and Airbnb organize buyer-seller relations in digitally-enabled marketplaces. These new marketplaces challenge existing economic practices and regulatory standards, disrupting established markets and forcefully creating new ones. A central feature of these marketplaces is the use of algorithms to set and enforce rules that shape the provision of services and labor. Algorithmic "management" has elicited critiques of the growing power of platforms to determine dynamics of value capture and distribution. Platform "workers" also resist control through work practices, exit and collective action. Citizens, consumers and regulators are contesting platform activities via bans, boycotts and legislative action. The companies use their power to shape these new, contested markets, but the future for platform capitalism is as yet unknown.
Our aim in this special issue is to bring together organizational, consumer, worker and regulatory perspectives on the platform economy to shed a new light on emerging market structures as well as central lines of contestation. We aim not only to advance empirical understanding of this new phenomenon, but also to contribute to a more theoretically informed debate in this multi-disciplinary, multi-faceted field of research.
Key Themes
Platforms as Market Organizers:
  • What are platforms' strategies for and practices of value creation and capture?
  • Taking different perspectives - local, national, and global: who benefits from what, when, and where in platform markets?
  • How are platforms' dual role as drivers for inclusion and inequality played out on dimensions such as race, class, gender, disability or legal status?
  • Do viable alternative platform governance modes exist (e.g. platform cooperatives)?
User Experiences and Consumption Patterns:
  • How do platform goods and services differ from conventional business offerings?
  • Does platform consumption build social connection, as companies have claimed?
  • How are ratings and reputational systems working?
  • How do consumers' motives and experiences vary by locality, nationality and global location?
Working in the Platform Economy:
  • What do we know about platform workers' experiences, job satisfaction and sociability, and how are algorithms, rating systems and other novel platform features affecting these outcomes?
  • Is platform work altering career trajectories?
  • Which forms of collective representation and resistance are workers engaging in?
Contested Markets as a Challenge for Regulatory Actors and Established Institutions:
  • Is there a new regulatory role for digital intermediaries and how are they engaging with traditional regulatory actors?
  • Is trust serving as a regulatory mechanism?
  • What is the role of social movements in the trajectory of platform capitalism?
  • How does the transnationality of platforms intersect with national or regional regulatory institutions?
We call for submissions that address one of these four themes and contain convincing conceptually grounded arguments in empirical (qualitative and quantitative) studies. We particularly encourage cross-national research and studies of this sector in emerging economies.
Papers will be reviewed following the journal's normal double-blinded review process and criteria. The maximum length of articles including references, notes and abstract is 10,000 words. Articles must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 150 words. The main document has to be anonymous and should contain title, abstract, and strictly avoid self-references. Submissions should be directed through the on-line submission system: 
For further guidelines on submissions and the editorial statement of the Socio-Economic Review, please visit our website at:
For further information for this Special Issue, please contact one of the Guest Editors: Will Attwood-Charles (, particularly if you have concerns about whether or not your paper fits the Special Issue.