quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2018

ENRICH in Brazil - Treinamento para grants ERC/H2020 no Rio

Divulgamos uma ação  que será realizada aqui no Rio, na Fiocruz, que pode interessar a muitos programas de pós da UFF (e outros).

O ENRICH in Brazil (http://brazil.enrichcentres.eu/), projeto do qual a SPI também faz parte e que é financiado pela Comissão Europeia, irá realizar um treinamento sobre os grants ERC (European Research Council).
Os grants ERC são uma opção de financiamento do H2020 para pesquisadores individuais.
O treinamento é gratuito e vai ser no dia 02 de agosto de 2018 na Fiocruz-RJ.
É preciso fazer a inscrição neste link: http://brazil.enrichcentres.eu/index.php?post=3819
Mais informações no flyer em anexo.

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2018

[RASI] Nova notificação de Revista de Administração, Sociedade e InovaçãoUma nova edição foi publicada. Link: http://www.rasi.vr.uff.br/index.php/rasi/issue/current

Uma nova edição foi publicada.
Link: http://www.rasi.vr.uff.br/index.php/rasi/issue/current

Call for Papers - T2S Conference - Valência, Spain in October

The 2018 T2S Conference is open to topics in the field of science, technology and innovation studies: http://t2s2018.webs.upv.es/. The focus this year is on dynamic aspects of university-industry/society interaction: temporal connection between channels, changing facets of individuals in time, relationship with the business cycle, etc. 

This edition takes place at Ingenio, a leading research centre in innovation studies, in Valencia (Spain), a wonderful Mediterranean capital city. Confirmed keynote speakers include Maryann Feldman,Jeannete Colyvass and Valentina Tartari. 

The conference is open for submissions of panel session proposals and extended abstracts: http://t2s2018.webs.upv.es/submission/. The deadline is 19 July. We are looking forwards having the chance to meet you in Valencia next October (17-19).
Please find the call attached, and feel free to circulate it.

terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2018

Banca de qualificação PPGA/UFF

Dia 18/julho às 15h 
Sala B303, UFF/Volta Redonda/Campus Aterrado

Gestão de Ambientes de Inovação: Aplicação do AMIEM em Parques Tecnológicos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Marcelo Gonçalves do Amaral - PPGA/UFF (orientador)
Adriana Ferreira de Faria - NTP/UFV (co-orientadora)
Gustavo da Silva Motta - PPGA/UFF - membro interno
Thiago Borges Renault - UFRRJ - membro externo

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2018

Post-doc in research policy – Lund University School of Economics and Management

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 40 000 students and 7 400 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.
Lund University School of Economics and Management is one of eight faculties within Lund University. More than 4 000 students and 450 researchers, teachers and other staff are engaged here in training and research in economic history, business administration, business law, informatics, economics, statistics and research policy.
The Department of Business Administration in Lund is one of the leading environments for education and research within the business administration field. We conduct active and advanced research in entrepreneurship, corporate finance, research policy, marketing, organization and leadership, accounting, and strategy. The department has approximately 2,500 students and around 175 active researchers, teachers, doctoral students, and administrative staff. The section for strategy and research policy employs 17 professors, senior lecturers, post-docs and PhD candidates.
Job description
The post-doc is part of a research project, funded by the Swedish Agency for Innovation, Vinnova, dedicated to the study of research centres and how they affect universities as organizations and their collaboration with external interests and stakeholders. It will be based on both quantitative and qualitative methods.
The position is mainly devoted to research (90-100 per cent of full time) but limited tasks in education can be expected, in areas such as organizational studies and strategic management.
A required qualification is a PhD in a relevant social scientific area, with a profound experience of studies of scientific dynamics and organization. Documented pedagogical experience is an additional merit. For this position, it is of particular merit to have experience of research on scientific and organizational change, using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
More information at https://www.triplehelixassociation.org/thpost/post-doc-in-research-policy-lund-university-school-of-economics-and-management

segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2018

Eventos com chamada abertas

Prezados, diversos eventos estão com as chamadas de trabalhos abertas

Destacamos o SEMEAD e outros 2 eventos que serão juntos em São Paulo em início de Novembro

XXI Seminário de Administração da USP

Encontro dos Programas de Mestrado Profissional


Além do Summit da Triple Helix em Dubai e do XI CASI no Rio.

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2018

EARIE 2018 – 45th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics

Dates: August 31–September 2, 2018
Location: Athens, Greece
Hosts: University of Economics and Business (AUEB) & Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE)
Scientific Committee Chair: Paul Heidhues (DICE) | Organizing Committee Chair: Nikos Vettas (AUEB)
Conference website: http://www.earie2018.org

terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2018

Triple Helix Webinar

Dear THA Member,

We are pleased to invite you to join us at the upcoming THA webinar “Accelerators and High-Tech campuses” on 10th July at 6 pm CEST.

The webinar will focus on the structures and working methods of Innovation Accelerators and High-Tech campuses. As global competition is harsher than ever, young companies and start-ups need increasingly guidance over a complex web of issues facing their new ventures: from pitching to prospective investors, to facing challenges on intellectual property and human resources, albeit competing for a place in the global innovation arena. Accelerators and High-Tech Campuses, whether public or privately driven, provide a new way to informing, training and harnessing the innovative young companies, preparing them for the global markets. The webinar will offer a comprehensive picture on these new structures and offer an appreciation on their potential from a Triple Helix view (interactions around university, industry  – in the broader possible sense –  and government  – all types).

We will have 2 high profile speakers for the webinar:

·        Mr Jeff Wallace , Keynote Speaker / International Startup Advisor / President, Global Kinetics / Angel Investor / Batchery / SVIYP, San Francisco Bay Area 
·        Ms Mariianne Mareè CrarySystem Entrepreneur Leader,  San Francisco Bay Area

They will shed a light on Silicon Valley Startup innovation ecosystem and will explain the nuts and bolts of linking all together.

If you are interested in attending the webinar, you just need to reply to this email. THA members can register free of charge!

You are welcome to extend this invitation to your network.
Special offer for non THA members: the first 20 registration requests received by 2nd July will be given a free access!
To register send an email to: mlaura.fornaci@triplehelixassociation.org