sexta-feira, 7 de julho de 2017

MGE - prova

Gabarito Oficial

quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2017

Call for papers - Innovation Cooperation between Large and Small Firms: Operational Models

Globalization, climate change, technological development, and more create demand for continuous innovation and new operational business models. Large incumbents face tremendous challenges in continuing pursuing and exploiting their existing business at the same time as they need to explore new areas for the future. This has proven to be very hard and history is full of examples where large successful corporations turn into a downward spiral towards extinction. Small start-ups, on the other hand, excel in pursuing new ideas leading towards new innovation but face limitation when it comes to scaling its business on a global market. There are examples of collaborations initiated by large firms that lead to innovation success, however, many large firms still are looking for ways to develop the ambidextrous dynamic capability that would allow them to become innovative through the cooperation with small creative firms (Alänge and Steiber, 2017).
This has made the other actors in the Triple Helix (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, 1995, 1997), government, university, and industry players, trying to figure out what their role could be to contribute to the creation of a dynamic between large and small firms. Third party actors, both governmental, university, and privately or publicly funded intermediaries, have created space for interaction between large and small firms, such as Science Parks, research institutes, government- or privately funded accelerators, TTOs, laboratories and test sites, and specific initiatives such as local/central government funding of collaboration initiatives based on competitive applications by the participating parties, typically also including university participants.
This article collection is centered on these operational models initiated both by the industry participants themselves, and by the other Triple Helix actors. This has been an area where relatively little empirically based research has previously been presented (O’Reilly & Tushman, 2013) but where vital knowledge and experience now is being accumulated. Thus, there is a need of presenting and critically evaluating these operational models for ambidexterity. 
This article collection focuses on addressing the following questions:
  • Implemented operational models for ambidexterity, preferably described through case studies and from which lessons learned could be drawn. How could these implemented operational models be conceptualized and characterized? Lessons learned over time by the firm applying the specific operational model for ambidexterity? Suggestion on sub questions:
    • What are the triggers for adoption of the selected operational model and what are the goals and ambition levels for selected empirical cases?
    • What is the planned duration of activities within the operational model and is the model in itself viewed as a permanent or a temporary instrument?
    • Is any type of intermediary involved in the operational model? What is the intermediary's role(s)?
    • Could underlying dynamic capabilities be identified as a prerequisite or result of developing and implementing the new operational model for ambidexterity? (that is could the Dynamic Capabilities concept and the Ambidexterity concept been viewed as complementing concepts?)
  • What are the metrics for success used by the firm? Suggestion on general metrics that could be used to analyze the effectiveness of a specific operational model?
  • What roles do third party actors (intermediaries) take in facilitating or participating in initiating and accomplishing innovation cooperation between small and large firms?
    • Can Third Party “Space” serve a vital role in creating innovation cooperation between large and small firms, e.g. science parks, accelerator program, filtering function, and more (Lopez & Vanhaverbeke, 2009), and if so, how is this done and under what circumstances?
    • Are intermediaries becoming more or less important over time in supporting this kind of new collaboration between large and small firms? (for example some large firms create their own “private” open innovation solutions focused on startups)
  • To what extent are university actors vital contributors to innovation processes including both on-going knowledge cooperation and entrepreneurial spin-offs from universities?
    • Which university actors can be identified – such as students, researchers, IP and liaison offices.
  • In selected case study of an operational model for ambidexterity, what is the role of intellectual property – such as patents and licensing? Can IP issues be a hurdle? How have the actors behind the models found workable ways to solve the IP issues?
We would like to invite you to address these questions or pose your own. An ideal article combines theoretical, empirical and policy elements, although the balance may differ.
Abstract submission - Authors should submit their abstracts directly to the guest editors by 31 August 2017.
Full paper submission - Full papers should be submitted using the submission instructions below by 31 December 2017.
Lead guest editor - Dr Annika Steiber, A.S. Management Insights AB, USA
Guest editor - Assoc. Prof. Sverker Alänge, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Submission instructions
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the Instructions for Authors for Triple Helix. The complete manuscript should be submitted through the Triple Helix submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct article collection please select the appropriate section in the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the article collection on "Innovation Cooperation between Large and Small Firms: Operational Models". All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.

Call for papers - Measuring Triple Helix Synergies and Innovations using Scientometric, Technometric, Informetric, Webometric, and Altmetric Data

The Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations is an internationally recognized model for understanding cross-sphere entrepreneurship and the changing dynamics of universities (especially the advent of entrepreneurial universities), innovation and socio-economic development. The contemporary era of knowledge economy demands further enhancement of the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 1995) within Innovation Systems at various dimensions, such as National Innovation Systems and Sectoral Innovation Systems. Among various actors, universities, industries, and governmental agencies can be considered as the three most crucial ones which are becoming increasingly interconnected in innovative activities, which lead to the formation of the Triple Helix relations (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 1997). Therefore, the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations has naturally become the de facto core subsystem of an innovation system. 
This article collection focuses on the following questions:
  • How Triple Helix model can help solve social, economic and even political problems at various levels in case studies?
  • What kind of indicators should be adopted for measuring Triple Helix synergies?
  • How to measure Triple Helix synergies in countries/territories’ innovation system?
  • What are the important concerns in measuring Triple Helix Synergies and Innovations through Scientometric, Technometric, Informetric, Webometric, and Altmetric Data?
  • How have Open Data been applied to facilitate Triple Helix synergies or innovations?
  • What are the identified barriers to facilitate Triple Helix synergies or innovations?
  • What are the ways to strengthen and improve the communicative relationships among entities of Triple Helix to maximize the synergies?
  • How can information flow of institutions of Triple Helix be measured to assess the effectiveness of collaboration?
  • What are the ways to measure the effectiveness of data exchange between cross-sector institutions?
  • How can cross-sector collaboration be measured?
  • What are the best ways to share ongoing Triple Helix projects and successful cases in a global scale to collectively enhance Triple Helix agenda?
We would like to invite you to address these questions or pose your own. An ideal article combines theoretical, empirical and policy elements, although the balance may differ. We are also open to non-conference submissions to the special issue. However, the priority will be given to papers presented at its associated seminars.
Abstract submission - Authors should submit their abstracts directly to the guest editors by 30 June 2017

Full paper submission - Full papers should be submitted using the submission instructions below by 31 December 2017
Lead Guest Editor
Prof. Han Woo Park, YeungNam University, South Korea
Guest Editors
Dr. Jiang Li, Zhejiang University, China
Miyoung Chong, University of North Texas, USA
Submission instructions
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the Instructions for Authors for Triple Helix. The complete manuscript should be submitted through the Triple Helix submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct article collection please select the appropriate section in the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the article collection on "Measuring Triple Helix Synergies and Innovations using Scientometric, Technometric, Informetric, Webometric, and Altmetric Data". All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.

    sábado, 1 de julho de 2017

    MGE - notas seminário 3

    Prezados bom dia!!
    Estou postando as notas do seminário de ontem.
    Para saber quanto precisam na prova de sexta dia 7/julho é só somar as notas dos 3 seminários e tirar de 30. O saldo dividir por 2. Por exemplo, quem tirou 9.0 nos 3 seminários precisa só de 1.5 na prova.

    Lembrando que a prova será de 18 às 20h no auditório e faremos a correção em seguida. O material dos seminários tb está disponível para estudo no Gdrive.

    Bom fim de semana para todos!!

    sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2017

    Estratégia Empresarial - Turma Manhã - Notas Prova e Média final

    Prezados, bom dia! Estou liberando as notas da prova de quarta e as médias.
    A nota média foi 4.9.
    Para aqueles que passaram parabéns e até uma próxima disciplina!

    Caso vcs queiram dividir a pontuação dos seminários de forma diferente devem me enviar email até a próxima quarta. Esse email deve explicar a divisão e estar copiado para todos os membros do grupo.

    A vista de prova será na segunda (dia 5) às 9h. No horário de aula.
    São 5 alunos para VR na próxima quarta (dia 5) e 4 alunos para VS na quarta-feira (dia 12). As provas serão na sala de aula (A108) e a matéria é toda.

    quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2017

    curso Foresight and Beyond

    Gostaríamos de lhe convidar a participar - e solicitar que divulgue em suas redes - da nova edição do curso executivo “Foresight and Beyond: Prospecção, Priorização e Apoio à Decisão em Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação”, que será realizado entre 07 e 11 de agosto próximo. 
    Visando à capacitação nos conceitos, métodos e práticas de prospecção, priorização e apoio à decisão em atividades de ciência, tecnologia e inovação (CTI), o curso é voltado para profissionais dos setores público e privado, direta e indiretamente envolvidos com atividades de planejamento, gestão, avaliação de estratégicas, políticas e programas de CTI. 

    Nesta edição, além dos colegas da Unicamp, contamos com vários profissionais de organizações brasileiras e estrangeiras. Nomes como Ian Miles (MIoIR, Manchester), Nicholas Vonortas (GWU, Washington), Cláudio Schlesinger (IBM Brasil), Roberto Marcondes (IME-USP), Jesús Mena-Chalco (UFABC), deverão oferecer sessões em temas tais como métodos de prospecção e apoio à decisão em PDI, uso de data analyticsem prospecção, métodos opinion driven e data driven, métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão em PDI, para citar alguns.
    A seguir, uma síntese dos temas abordados pelo curso:

    Estudos de futuro: fundamentos, conceitos, fronteiras e desafios
    Set up de um estudo de futuro
    Ferramentas metodológicas
    Prospecção baseada em opinião
    Prospecção baseada em dados
    Foresight corporativo
    Priorização, tomada de decisão e seleção de portfólio: abordagens econômicas e métodos multi-critério
    Combinação de métodos
    Além das sessões expositivas, o curso - que é oferecido na forma de imersão por uma semana - tem sessões de casos e sessões de oficinas nas quais os participantes terão oportunidade de desenvolver um estudo prospectivo.
    As inscrições podem ser feitas até 03/07/017, no site da ExtecampLembramos que as organizações que inscreverem até cinco profissionais terão direito a uma bolsa integral.
    Mais informações estão disponíveis no site do GEOPI. Em caso de dúvidas, favor enviar mensagem para o e-mail ou entrar em contato pelo telefone (19) 3521-5150 com Cláudia ou Camila.

    quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2017